If you need a Villa manager on the island, we have the know-how to run your property from A-Z.
We offer you the option to start by simply posting your Villa -without any charges- at our website so that it can be seen when potential holidaymakers make their search. Watch your vacation rental occupancy rates increase, through our free promotion to thousands of international travelers!
Worry not if your photo selection is not of good quality and/or high definition, as we can arrange through our team of professional photographers to produce for you a fantastic set of shots. Allow our interior designers to visit your Villa and give you free advice on matters of functionality and décor so that you can accommodate the crowd your Villa deserves. Allow us to offer you a strong marketing description of your Villa, before posting it. We also offer you more options.
You may proceed with assigning to us partially or full responsibility for your property. This means that you can stay focused on your life in Mykonos or elsewhere, and we will act on your behalf with
Your Villa will stay put, as you walk miles by holding the right hand.